Langit Biru: Jurnal Ilmiah Aviasi 2024-06-27T15:50:37+07:00 Khoirul Anam [email protected] Open Journal Systems <div class="row" style="text-align: justify;"><img src="/public/site/images/admin/Cover_JIA.png" width="131" height="185"></div> <div class="row" style="text-align: justify;">Langit Biru adalah merupakan Jurnal Ilmiah Aviasi berisi tulisan bidang penerbangan berupa hasil penelitian dan Kajian pustaka. Langit Biru: Jurnal Ilmiah Aviasi telah<strong> Terakreditasi Sinta peringkat 3</strong>&nbsp;sesuai dengan&nbsp;<strong>SK No. 204/E/KPT/2022</strong>. Langit Biru terbit tiga kali setahun pada bulan <strong>Februari, Juni</strong> dan <strong>Oktober.</strong> <div class="row" style="text-align: justify;"><a title="issn" href=";1180424508&amp;1&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ISSN (P): 1979 - 1534</a><a title="Langit Biru: Jurnal Ilmiah Aviasi " href=""><br></a><a href=";1598929606&amp;1&amp;">ISSN (E): 2745 - 8695</a></div> </div> The Effect of On The Job Training on Problem Solving Skills and Self Efficacy of Aviation Polytechnic Cadets 2024-02-29T14:23:53+07:00 Setiyo [email protected] Thursina Andayani [email protected] Herlina Febiyanti [email protected] Minulya Eska Nugraha [email protected] <p><em>Aviation Polytechnic is a vocational education that should follow the global vocational education. The Polytechnic prepares its graduates not only to achieve education but also to develop social attitudes and skills in various fields. On-the-job training (OJT) programs were then conducted to increase some of these skills, namely problem-solving and self-efficacy (confidence in their abilities). This study aimed to determine whether OJT affected problem-solving skills, self-efficacy, and both. It used a quantitative method with a questionnaire as the instrument for data collection. The data were analyzed by a series of tests that examined the instrument, the prerequisite test, and the hypothesis. They were examined using the MANOVA method. The study indicated that OJT affected the problem-solving skills of Palembang Aviation Polytechnic cadets. The study also found the effect of OJT on the cadets’ self-efficacy. Finally, it was found that OJT had an effect on both problem-solving skills and self-efficacy.</em></p> 2024-02-29T14:12:34+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Setiyo The Influence of Implementation of Transformational and Democratic Leadership Styles On Job Loyalty of Employees at Airport Operation & Service Pt Angkasa Pura Aviasi Kualanamu International Airport Deli Serdang 2024-02-29T14:26:30+07:00 Yanti Mahdalena Tampubolon [email protected] You She Melly Anne Dharasta [email protected] <p>The aim to be achieved is to analize and find out the magnitude, both partially and simultaneously, of the influence of transformational and democratic leadership styles on employee work loyalty. Classifed as quantitative research utilizing research instrument in the form of a questionnaire of 35 respondents (a saturated sample) of Airport Operation and Service employees of PT Angkasa Pura Aviasi Kualanamu International Airport Deli Serdang. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 26 with descriptive analysis techniques, classic assumption tests, and hypothesis tests. Employee work loyalty can be increased based on the findings of this research when transformational leadership style and democratic leadership style are implemented</p> 2024-02-29T14:21:05+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yanti Mahdalena Tampubolon, You She Melly Anne Dharasta ANALISIS PERFORMA AERODINAMIKA NACA 642415 DUA DIMENSI MENGGUNAKAN APLIKASI XFLR5 SEBAGAI BASELINE PENELITIAN 2024-06-27T15:50:37+07:00 Sukahir [email protected] <p>Baseline penelitian diperlukan untuk tindak lanjut penelitian selanjutnya. Selain dari eksperimen, penggunaan simulasi numerik sederhana dapat menjadi pembanding secara singkat performa aerodinamika dari airfoil maupun sayap pesawat terbang dan UAV. Penelitian ini menunjukkan peforma aerodinamika NACA 642415 menggunakan aplikasi XFLR5 dengan sudut serang α = 0<sup>o</sup>, 2<sup>o</sup>, 4<sup>o</sup>, 6<sup>o</sup>, 8<sup>o</sup>, 10<sup>o</sup>, 12<sup>o</sup>, 14<sup>o</sup>, 16<sup>o</sup>, 18<sup>o</sup>, dan 20<sup>o</sup>. XFLR5 dapat menunjukkan secara singkat dan cepat performa aerodinamika dari airfoil dan sayap. Koefisien tekanan yang dihasilkan dapat menunjukkan secara ringkas titik separasi dan titik <em>stall</em> yang terjadi meskipun tidak dapat ditunjukkan secara langsung melalui hasil koefisien <em>lift</em>.</p> 2024-06-27T15:50:37+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sukahir